May 2010 | End of expedition, the Walkers of the North come back to France. |
April 2010 | The expedition reaches the Great Bear Lake, and is stopped on the toundra due to unusual lack of snow. |
March 2010 | Departure of the expedition |
January 2010 | Winter training period in Pralognan, Vanoise National Park. |
September 2009 | Short trip at Yellowknife in order to prepare logistics of the expedition. Interviews for CBC Radio One North, Radio Canada and Radio Taïga. |
July 2009 | Terres Oubliées, a travel agency specialized in exploration trips becomes sponsor of the expedition. |
June 2009 | The walkers have booked their flight tickets with Nouvelles Frontières Aventure. Week-end in the Morbihan bay, kayaking and preparation meetings. |
April 2009 | The Walkers of the North have won a grant from "Bourses Expé 2009" that provides stuff and cash. Sponsors are : Expé, The North Face, Béal, Nouvelles Frontières Aventure and Petzl. Méchant Loup Production, an independant production company becomes sponsor of the expedition. |
February 2009 | Marie Hélène Fraïssé becomes the godmother of the expedition. Journalist, writer and reporter, she is passioned with first nations people and north american cultures.
Radio producer at France Culture, she is the author of many books upon north america exploration and history. she has establisehd the french edition of the Samuel Hearne's journal in 2002. |
January 2009 | The shop la haute route becomes sponsor of the expedition. |
November 2008 | The team "Walkers of the North" is officially created.
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