L'association Actualités Le Groenland Contacts
 Last update: May 2010
Logo Diagonale Groenland
Walkers of the North
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The walkers of the North
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Crossing the Barren Grounds across the taïga and the tundra  
The expedition is finished PDF version
Expedition Journal Traject Current weather 
The expedition journal has been written in french.
The chronicles of the expedition are published in french on the website of the newspaper Libération.

Plot the traject of the Walkers of the North on a bigger map.



Diagonale Groenland, association type loi 1901, déclarée à la sous-préfecture de Saint-Germain-en-Laye le 23 juin 2003, parue au Journal Officiel le 26 juillet 2003, N°30 page 4000