The walkers of the North
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Crossing the Barren Grounds across the taïga and the tundra |
Who they are ? |
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Pascal Hémon
Our Expedition leader, 44. Has a
passion for Arctic and ice. Number of treks and expeditions in the
Far North: crossing Iceland (2004), Baffin Island (2003), Greenland
ice cap (2006), Spitzberg (2000), Labrador (2004), East cost of
Greenland (2005, 2007, 2008), Lap land (2005).
His geatest assets: Pascal has a
great sens of human contact and masters organisational matters.
Photographs, writes and films.
Aerodynamics engineer in CNRS |
37 years old, Yann masters any human
motion method to discover our planet: skiing, riding, trekking
(Island, 2006), biking ( New Zeland tour, 2003), kayaking (Scoresby
Sund , east Greenland, 2008).
His greatest assests: fascinated by
snow and wind, Yann cannot afford to live in any place other than in
alps. Photographs and films.
Mountain guide in Vanoise, a job
requiring passion, hard work and freedom. |
Fascinated by the Arctic and inuit
world, Céline is activ member of the « Espace Culturel Inuit »
in Paris. She studies inuit language and culture in Paris University.
Leader of an expedition crossing the Greenland ice-cap in 2004, trek
in Lap land (2003), biking across France in 2005, a number of treks
in autonomy, practices aïkido. Céline is 42
years old. Her greatest assests: professional of the
stage, Céline is director of a theater company and she creates shows
and films inspired by her travels and passions.
Theater director and actress. |
Logistic assistance in rear base.
Numerous sailing trips in polar areas. Short ski treks in Greenland
and Labrador. Leader of the maritim expedition Diagonale-Groenland in
2006 ( budget 60k€, 23 crew members). Dominique will be based in
Kugluktuk during the expedition and will bring her mastering of large
projects to the benefit of the expedition. She is 61.
Her greatest assests: studies inuit
language and culture in Paris university, films and writes, manages
remote communications.
Formerly was director for large
industrial projects. |